Saturday, January 12, 2013

Today I'm sharing something very special for me with you

Last year when I started to think about "What am I gonna do. I have a baby, I need to do something to be able to provide this little one" I came across with the blog of +Mariella di Gregorio and found her jewellery absolutely stunning. As I liked so much what I saw I tried to know a bit more about her, which one was her background, where did she studied jewellery, from where she took the inspiration to do such a beautiful items and so and so. So I found out she was actually a graphic designer with passion for jewellery and one day decided to give up everything and start to make jewellery as she wanted. She risked as I intend that (with a job in Milan went back to her homeland to set up her business). That inspired me, yes, she did inspired me. I thought, why not? I love this, I always did, I don't have a formal education into that, on the contrary I've studied advertising and PR and a bit of design.. I was prepared to be the though business person who makes all the deals in the advert agencies, who knew about marketing, strategies of communication, law but out of my own love of learning, when I went to Italy to study I chose the subjects I liked like web design, graphic design, photography, lithography, sociology and Italian language. Went I moved to London I worked a bit in cinema so I did a course in art direction but jewellery?? Jewellery? I had no clue about it!! But, hey! I always loved earrings, I always loved leather and I thought, let's make what I like, let's make earrings... More I got into it, more I felt the need of doing different things, I started to sew, to make curtains, to customize prams, to do items for prams and recently I've moved into fabric leather free items. I love what I do, I found fulfillment each time I finish a new item. It's love what they carry and what I give to others.
Even if we don't know each other personally, thanks +Mariella di Gregorio for inspiring me!!

Here I leave you with some of her items and a link to her blog.

Please enjoy!

Aria by Mariella di Gregorio

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