Friday, March 15, 2013

Graziella's Earrings

These pair of earrings are very special for  me because two reasons. Firstly a dear friend of mine asked me to make them for somebody who is very very special. I know that person and is also somebody special for me too so I was very proud to make something for her, something I know she will wear and will make her think about my friend and I.

She like roses so roses is what I did for her. Here I mixed fabric and leather. It has also been a special earrings to make because it's the first time I work with the leather since I became vegan and that, obviously gives you quite a lot to think about... But I better leave you with the photos that always say much more than words.

Lots of love,

Fabric Roses done.. choosing leather

Burned petals to shape them

Bit of leather at the back to hold

Detail of first finished

Both earrings

With the rose

Getting the photo right

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